We are a Happy, Loving, Growing, Learning Family Together
Through real life, hands-on activities, and small groups, they will become an integral part of their own learning process. A gentle yet indirect approach that will build your child’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and emotional intelligence, building an excitement for adventure, and passion and confidence to experience life.
While free imaginative and good-old-fashioned play remains at the centre of every day, under gentle guidance, children can enjoy activities like singing, baking, dancing, handcrafts, drawing, gardening, painting, and more. A variety of art materials, manipulative items, books, musical instruments and toys are provided for indoor and outdoor exploration.
Little Lighthouse creates a fun, gentle, loving, Christian based, intimate environment where your child will feel loved, secure and stimulated, a home away from home where loving, nurturing, and encouraging your child isn’t passive, its being right there, providing them with learning experiences, and offering opportunities for awareness and growth.
Little Lighthouse offers a structured morning programme, with afternoon/aftercare free play till 18h00. Snacks are served at 10h00 and 17h45, with a wholesome cooked meal.
With growing body and mind, they run with open arms to each new adventure. Given the opportunity, your child will embrace every aspect of life and will delight in their play with it. And as they play they learn...just as they do not have to be taught how to play, they do not have to be taught how to learn....learning, like playing, happens naturally and spontaneously. Sown on fertile soil, the seeds of play and learning are so rooted with each other that they are inseparable. These seeds under the best conditions will become one - playful learning, a superior hybrid.
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